Ajai –meaning conqueror or savior in the Arabic tongue– is the name chosen by Brian Todd Antonio Sean Boucher. Born the fifteenth of June nineteen eighty three at the Spanish town hospital, Ajai was adopted by pastor Brown and his wife when he was just five months. They are the ones he has grown to recognize, love and respect as his parents; they are the ones who raised him with the love and respect we give to our own. Ajai attended Waterford infant, primary and high. Leaving school at age seventeen, he first worked as a cashier before becoming a present member of staff on the accounting team of the Ministry of National Security – being obedient to Mr. and Mrs. Brown has paid off for this brethren. To lead a responsible life wasn’t the only positive influence the Browns had on this bredda. Being adopted by a pastor, one expects he had to go to church and it was there he first got involved with music. Being a member of the church choir, he not only learned to sing but to play various musical instruments as well – keyboard, drums and bass guitar. Yet he has always had respect for the music of Peter Tosh, D. Brown, Beres and Buju. Now Ajai has allowed his natural aspect that has given rise to his musical attributes – him ‘Ras up and his music him tek up’. Briefly with ‘Yard life’ crew and then taken under the wing of Dean Fraser, Ajai is presently a member of Sean Paul’s Dutty Cup Crew. Ajai’s sound is classified as ‘reggae soul’ and his aspiration to leave a unique mark on reggae music and the world where positive vibrations are concerned is acceptable –lookout for this Black soul. His advice to our youths today, is to read more and more, specifically Black literature and seek to build and fortify a high self-esteem.